Inventory management is a crucial aspect of running any business that deals with physical goods. It involves tracking and managing inventory levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. Proper inventory management ensures that businesses have enough inventory to meet customer demand while also avoiding excess inventory that ties up capital and increases storage costs.

Yaraa’s inventory management is a feature on the platform that enables businesses to manage their inventory effectively. The feature offers several benefits, including improved accuracy, reduced costs, increased efficiency, and better customer service. In this blog post, we will discuss inventory management in general, introduce Yaraa’s inventory management feature, and explain the benefits of using it.

What Is Inventory Management?

Inventory management is the process of tracking and managing the inventory levels of a business. It involves recording the quantity and location of items, monitoring sales and shipments, and ensuring that inventory levels are sufficient to meet demand. Effective inventory management requires a robust system that can automate many of these tasks, provide accurate and timely information, and facilitate collaboration between different departments.

Introduction To Yaraa’s Inventory Management Feature

Yaraa’s inventory management feature is a cloud-based module on the platform that enables businesses to manage their inventory effectively. The feature is designed to streamline the inventory management process by automating many of the tasks involved. It offers a range of inventory management functionalities spread across multiple modules on Yaraa: stock request, requisition, and goods movement receipt.


Benefits Of Using Yaraa’s Inventory Management Module

1. Improved Accuracy: Yaraa’s inventory management solution uses automated tracking and reporting, reducing the likelihood of human error. This means that inventory levels are always up to date, and businesses can make informed decisions based on accurate data.
2. Reduced Costs: Effective inventory management can reduce the cost of excess inventory, as well as reduce the cost of lost or misplaced inventory. Yaraa’s inventory management solution also helps to reduce the costs associated with manual tracking and reporting.
3. Increased Efficiency: Yaraa’s inventory management solution automates many of the tasks involved in inventory management, freeing up time and resources for other tasks. This increases efficiency and reduces the likelihood of errors.
4. Better Customer Service: Accurate inventory tracking means that businesses can respond to customer demand quickly and efficiently. This improves customer service and helps to build customer loyalty.
5. Increased Visibility: An inventory management solution like Yaraa’s provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, making it easier for businesses to make informed decisions.
6. Better Decision-making: With accurate and up-to-date information, businesses can make better decisions about inventory levels, sales, and purchasing.
7. Improved Collaboration: An inventory management solution like Yaraa’s facilitates collaboration between different departments, improving communication and reducing errors.
8. Scalability: As businesses grow, their inventory management needs may change. An inventory management solution like Yaraa’s is scalable, meaning that it can grow and adapt to meet changing business needs.


Inventory Management Functionalities Spread Across Multiple Modules on Yaraa

1. Stock request: The stock request module allows users to request inventory already in stock.
2. Requisition module: The requisition module enables users to request items they want to buy.
3. Goods Movement Receipt: The goods movement receipt module is where items are received. The user receives the items from requisition here. Under goods receipt you can do the following: receive goods raised as a requisition, initial entry, reversal, and physical count.
Initial Entry: The initial entry is used when the user is stocking the warehouse.
Physical Count: This allows users to count how many items they have. The platform allows the user to see the number of items available and the quantity that has been used.
Reversal: This allows users to reverse transactions, such as when inventory is returned or canceled.
Storage Bin: The storage bin specifies the location of the item.

Setting up modules on Yaraa’s inventory management solution is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up.


Effective inventory management is essential for any business that deals with physical goods. Yaraa’s inventory management solution offers several benefits, including improved accuracy, reduced costs, increased efficiency, and better customer service. With a range of modules that support inventory management, businesses can automate many of the tasks involved, freeing up time and resources for other tasks. Setting up the modules on Yaraa is easy, and the solution is scalable, meaning that it can grow and adapt to meet changing business needs. By using Yaraa’s inventory management solution, businesses can streamline their inventory management process, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

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